
Vacir, Toa of Thought, strode thoughtfully on the sandy beach of Metru Nui, remaining silent. They are gone, he thought to himself. Gone, and it’s all my fault here I am, safe and sound, and they are being tortured on Artidax! All because of me! As a Toa Kama, it had been his job to help keep his team safe, and make sure that their secret remained secret. Now, the rest of his team was being held prisoner on Artidax, the island serving as the central base of the Dark Hunters. It seemed inevitable that the secret they carried, the secret that, if in the wrong hands, could doom the universe itself, would be forced out of his teammates. No, Vacir thought confidently, I can stop this, but I must use the Mask! It might kill me, but I must try! Summoning the immense power of the Kador Mask of Knowledge, he attempted to use its power, granting any desired piece of information, to predict a possible future. He had never tried before, and he knew all too well that if, through the Kador, any forbidden piece of knowledge was discovered, the mask would kill the user. The future might be such a piece, but Vacir knew he had no other choice. Triggering the Kador, he searched for the information he sought, careful not to delve too deeply into unknown knowledge territory. At last, he found the information safely, but what he learned chilled him to the core: If he did not save his teammates soon, the other Toa Kama would die…

